Infinite Flight 24.3

OKKK isn’t 3D yet! 🥲


will come in the next version

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Hope so! :)

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Cough cough 😷…… Israel

Great except for the call sign part

Can someone list the new liveries

This update is amazing alot of amazing Liveries have finally been added like the United Evo Blue 777-200ER and 757-200 along with IAH finally being in 3D.

My only problem is i can’t seem to properly enjoy this amazing update because during climbout at LHR at least one of my devices keeps crashing. Last night i started my London to texas flights. I spent a few hours putting together flight plans and another hour departing my 10 aircraft. When I woke up today I find out that the sim crashed on one of my devices. I go to look at the ETE on the flight resume and find out the sim crashed after completing my climb out to cruising.

I ended up doing a second attempt and just as i get to my 8th aircraft to cruising and prepare to get my next aircraft departed the sim crashes on my 7th device.

I would make use of flight resume but each time i do that the sim crash right after landing as i exit the runway. The biggest reason I don’t use flight resume is i don’t like having multiple replays. When I complete a flight I only want 1 replay file for simplicity to upload to Google drive. This way I can make videos and share the 1 replay with only 1 link instead of have multiple parts to a completed flight.

I actually made a post related to the flight resume and how it could be improved for this exact reason.

There is also a small bug with the AI voices on the sim for what ever reason if you have your text to speach engine set to Google TTS and you have it updated you used to be able to have multiple different voices with each one. You can have the American voice 12 set as your voice and the devault/other atc voices set to American 17 for users not having the same Text To Speach software that you are using. But now, for what ever reason, the voices are all devaulted to the first voice of the selected accent. So if you have American 3, infinite flight will us American 1. If you use American 17 Infinite flight will use American 1.

I know each update isn’t perfect first time around but if possible a hot fix would be greatly appreciated. Keep up the great work Devs. I love the improvements.


The ATC voice effect is insane well done!! :) 🙌
Cant wait for weather rework.


i needed to read this part like 50 times to understand


Well have you ever seen a trail of 10 planes on casual server all usernames “pilotcharles” with an aircraft type with each name? That would be me.

They’re in the blog here:

I’m sorry what.

I had to reread that at least 20 times. Bro is not missing out a single feature for the update 💀💀.


One of the worst things about the update ngl


Anyone experiencing the “please maintain safe distance from aircraft ahead” message while on the ground randomly even when no one is around?


There should be the ability to turn it off if you don’t want it.

Yes it’s a known issue. It happened to me just now as soon as I landed in Minneapolis.


100 percent real my friend 🔥

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Hey everyone! First, a huge thanks to the devs for this update!
Is there any possibility to change call sign after spawning on an airport? If my memory is good, I believe it was possible in the previous version, and it looks we can’t do it anymore. Not very important, I’m just asking!


This feature was removed in this update. Welcome back to the community!


24.3 Hotfix Information

Hello everyone!

Thanks for all your feedback on the update. We’ve spent the past couple of days taking in your comments and looking into bugs. We’re sending a hotfix build to the stores tonight with solutions to common problems:


  • Aircraft proximity warning firing at wrong time
  • Mission markers not showing up
  • Copy FPL available in ATC mode
  • Disappearing aircraft when local area is busy (including in Radar mode)
  • Purchased legacy aircraft not usable
  • SimBrief error messaging
  • OIIE missing from airport list
  • Show Username in Flight not updating
  • Replay crashes
  • Various crashes

We’ll release this as soon as possible. In the meantime, we are continuing to monitor and push fixes to the multiplayer servers.

Thanks for your continued support!