What if you decide to play flappy bird on a cross country? That game requires a ton a power.
Yea I found it the first day
I have! But I don’t want to write so much because I use so much 4G.
Did you notice that in the steam gage model that the speed is actually you ground speed, so if you want your airspeed you have to use the steam gage.
Tips about flying the XCub that will help keep it pointed the right direction.
Rule #1 Keep it on Centerline
Rule #2 Use the rudder gently and do not over correct
Rule #3 Stay off the brakes
Rule #4 Go Around!
Rule #5 Taxi Slowly
What planes does the camera shake work on? I’ve only noticed it on the 737
Does that mean when u turn it kinda shakes a bit
I think it means on the ground, as you’re rolling, the camera will shake (in the cockpit)
I have the same question.
The current list of aircraft is the following:
I just noticed a placard in the XCub that says “no acrobatic maneuvers” and I know I’ve done some😂
I toke it for a spin today to do some stalls to see how it reacts.It isn’t as hard as I thought to recover from the stalls in the XCub.
It does it during turbulence as well
Its surprisingly good for it right! 😂
Could someone send me a video of cockpit shake, I don’t think I have it…
XCub film update: 30 seconds left to fill then it’s good for release. Just had a good livestream on the IFAE Instagram and got a couple guys to come and get in a shot. I’m predicting a release on Sunday.
It’s been that long I forgot you were making it, cannot wait to see the final results.
I love the X-club cockpit :)
What do you mean about a release??
When I land with all with the A320 and 737 the sec I Touch the ground the hole camera shakes but it makes me feel like I had a Ryanair landing but it was actually soft