Improving my night skills

Hello IF Community! I am a huge fan of night photography so I decided to give it a try (again) at my home airport. I went 3 days at ~9-10pm and tried to get the best shots I could do. Now I’m proud of how good I’ve become.

October 12th

Austrian STAR ALLIANCE livery taxiing

easyjet A320 (there’ll be too much of these…)

October 17th

Oh, an easyjet

Too much taxi lights 😵‍💫

0.5s gives terminal light vibes

October 18th


I forgot to put a heavy in this 👁️👁️

Hello there

Finally! Air baguette is my sharpest ever night shot! Love this shot so much

Thanks for watching 😁

Canon EOS R7

RF-S 18-150mm F3.5-6.3 IS STM



Nice photos! By the way what settings were you using because I want to make some night photos today

Each photo has different settings but all were between 1/8s and 0.6s with ISO5000 to ISO10000


Alright thanks! I hope iso 6400 is enough

Depends, if the plane is stopped, yiu can increase he exposure time and have a good lighting, my spot has almost 0 light, the only light is from the aircraft itself and form the terminal 1km away. I shot Air France at ISO6400 so you should be fine. Just don’t move, that solves all problems. If the plane is moving, that might be a problem though. It also depends on the camera you have, I did my pictures handheld but that might be impossible if your camera doesn’t have a good enough stabiliser, you’ll have to try a bit of everything, others people settings won’t work for you, lenses, the amount of light there’s at your spot, all those settings are different and needs different settings to take the picture, the only way is to try, makes mistakes, try again until you get it

seeing planes at night with their lights on are cool


These are great, really nice job!

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Definitely not too much with your steady hands, great job Yuki! 🤩

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Wow! Really nice pictures!! I love these. Pro skillz


I also call it that XD

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Night shots are the best kind of shots in my opinion


wow 1/8 is crazy 😭

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crop sensors have come a long way

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I found you, Yuki san

Happy cake day!

Happy cake day

Thanks guys!

wow i’ve been here for a very long time

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Hmmm, what do you mean? 🤔

Happy cake day Andrew!!!

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