Would be very good if altitudes on mountains and areas surrounding the airport was visible on the maps. Just got approached into a mountain outside KSAN. If the controller have no skills or know how about the surroundings its deadly!
That’s a good idea!
It would be nice if pilots have the same map of the ATCs.
When you drag a vector from a plane, the point you drag it to will show you what the altitude is at that location, along with how far away the aircraft is from that point. So even though there is no key for the map the controller can still see what kind of mountains approaching a plane’s path.
Secondly, safety is both the controller’s and pilot’s responsibilities. If you’re about to hit a mountain, request a climb to a safe altitude. If the controller still doesn’t respond or gives you an unsafe altitude and it’s getting close, you should climb on your own (without permission) to avoid a crash, then return to your assigned altitude once it’s safe.
Yep , you are absolutely right there. The problem is if you drag a long line passing a mountain in the middle they wouldn’t know the altitude you have to pass. in general, this is only an issue in the playground ATC:s.
This is why I print and practice the STAR and approach routes myself before jumping on to an approach tower.