Credit to Chris Chenn
The Ilyushin IL-62 is an Soviet-Era Aircraft Produced by Ilyushin in the 1960's. The aircraft had it's first flight in January 1963 and ever since was popular in Russia and Eastern Europe.
The Reason This should be in Infinite Flight is because I believe that Aviation From 1970+ is underrepresented and underrated, and Maybe a Retro aircraft such as this one could change the scene of Modern Aircraft Being Added.
this is my first features topic in a while so pls let me know if i messed up on anything
Based on the cockpit of Ilyushin IL-62 there will be a small chance of this never happened. There are too many analogs and too few digital which is difficult for the IF team to modify etc.
Concorde has the same problem and therefore the feature request was closed:
Fleet diversity is important, but there are certain limits. If there was to be a new foreign aircraft, this could include a newer model. Old planes are difficult to recreate in-game, which explains why there are so few pre-1970s planes.
Trevor Spiro: From 1970 JAL (Japan Air Lines) and Air France wet leased a number of IL-62’s for long haul flights to Japan, and from 1971 KLM operated nine planes on the Amsterdam - Moscow - Japan route. Note the JAL inscription at the front below the cheat line. This route was quicker than the traditional route via Anchorage, Alaska.
Aeroflot Ilyushin Il-62M RA-86533 (built 1983) meets an American MD80 at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Washington - June 1998. Aeroflot flew a non-stop once a week Seattle-Khabarovsk.