iFly Schedules - Real Airline Schedule Generator

Hello all!

I wanted to share a free tool that I created and have been working on. Do you ever get bored of finding real routes to fly or maybe wished you would be able to build a schedule just like a real pilot?

With iFly Schedules you can generate real airline route for over 40 airlines, schedule your flights for the month and even go on standby and see if you get called for a flight. It integrates with SimBrief and this can be used with any flightsim, including Infinite Flight.

Hope you enjoy it!



Wow - this is really cool. VA pilots and “career mode” pilots are gonna love this.


Neat! Beautiful UI! May I ask if you manually created the route or you’ve got them from an external API?
Either way, really unique site, will definitely use it.

|| Note : When I click generate, it seems it infinitely loads, might wanna look into that :)


Thank you :)


Thank you!

I do not use an API at the moment but the data is pretty recent.

Mhmmm that’s weird. Mind joining the Discord so I can troubleshoot with you?

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Of course! I’ll join in a minute

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I love the look of this! Maybe you could add Singapore Airlines đź‘€


I joined the Discord server. but it is asking for my phone number.

I don’t have any Phone Number at This Time. so

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either the iFly Schedules Discord Server has phone-number verification turned on (definitely a strange thing to have on) or Discord has detected strange activity on your account.

Sorry, try now!

Awesome website. I’ll be using this if I want to do round trips.

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It’s a 500+ member server, I’m guessing it needs some kind of security.

The “requiring a valid phone number” is literally the highest level of security a discord server can have. It’s probably a bit overkill for a small-ish server.

Discord say themselves to have it on “Medium” as a minimum and that going higher isn’t needed for most servers.

As I said, this has been changed already :)

That looks great! Can’t wait to try it out for myself! The ability to generate real airline routes and go on standby adds a fantastic level of realism.

It would be awesome to see Singapore Airlines added to the list—would definitely love to schedule flights with them! Looking forward to checking it out. Thanks for sharing!


Looks very interesting and useful, hope to have singapore airlines, scoot and other asian airlines added eventually!!

Honestly, this has potential to be a VA web or app where they can send out real time schedules and such, looking forward to its growth!

You can’t imagine how long and hard I struggled to get a real-world flight plan, then open FlightRadar24 to see and copy the departure gate and taxi route

Now, I have everything on one website, very helpful! I would be happy to see this tool grow and continue to improve


JUST for you guys Singapore has been added! @XaviurHtx @iJazzyman


Is it possible to add Korean Air at some point in the future?

Absolutely amazing app though, super fun especially as I try to fly as realistically as possible

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great apps ! would be nice if Malaysia Airlines be added also

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