IFATC Training Manual


Today puts into effect a new set of standards in the form of a training manual for IFATC and those who aspire to join the team. Much like the publically-accessible manual we have now, this document crafts a number of guidelines for everyone to follow when it comes to training for both IFATC itself as well as radar.

@rah and I have been working closely to ensure both manuals are consistent and clears up confusion wherever needed. All internal information and specifics are for training team eyes only, so there should be no concerns. You may, at several points during reading, notice colored lines - those are redactions that concern either training team operations or other privacy concerns subject to those who have access.

As part of a large scale effort to consolidate all controlling techniques and procedures into a comprehensive document, this new manual serves as another step in that direction. This moves forward the vision to further streamline ATC as a whole within this sim and provides a fallback for those who wish to learn.

Comments, feedback, and/or questions are much appreciated. Cheers!

Effective August 9th 2019


This will be a great read.

I can’t access it. It said I need permission.

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Access granted :)

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Fixed now. Thanks for the heads up.


@Twocflyer so there was a reasoning for this haha

What’s the link to the public IFATC manual? I couldn’t find it.

This is the ATC manual: IFATC Manual - Public.pdf - Google Drive


v2 of the Training Manual is here!

Interested in training for ATC? Start here! You’ll find the public version of our trainers guide which offers insight into the testing process, items taught, and everything in between.

Huge thanks to @JoshFly8’s for his time and dedication to the Infinite Flight ATC training effort. We continue to strive for excellence from start to finish in your journey to become IFATC.

Be sure you also check out our ATC Manual:



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