IFATC Practical Test Tips

Hello all!
Today I passed the IFATC written test. Me and my recruiter are planning a date for the practical test this week. I have watched all of Tyler’s videos(including ‘the perfect atc test’) many times. Apart from the videos, does anyone have any tips for the practical test?


Maybe make a tracking thread if you haven’t already?

Experienced controllers will judge you and help you prepare for the practical. Good luck!

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Nice. Good luck to your practical. Cant wait to see you controlling.


already did! thanks very much

Can’t wait to see you flying ;)

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Then keep practicing and using your thread to your advantage.

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I suggest to remain calm while doing the practical test. If you remain calm during your practical, you will avoid doing mistakes. Just treat it like an ordinary controlling session ;)

Best of luck and see you at IFATC!


Have you contacted a trainer? I highly suggest you contact a trainer, and do some training sessions.

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Hello! Is that going to be my recruiter?

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No. You need to contact a trainer separately. Let me get you thread.

Alright thanks very much

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Here you go:


Good luck buddy 🤛


This is so cool

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What’s so cool?

I am also applying for ATC.
So…Any tips for me?

Just relax & treat it as just another training. Don’t add more pressure to yourself.


As I mentioned a few days back to @Rian16, make sure to get yourself a trainer. They will guide you through everything you need to know for the practical. Relax, and you’ll be fine.

My absolute number 1 tip however, is to NOT RUSH. I know that it is exciting, however if you rush, and don’t revise properly, you will fail.

Good luck!

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank everyone for the advice. I passed my practical last Saturday evening. So happy to be aboard, and @Sandipan_Kundu1, keep trying if you don’t pass, it’s definitely worth it!

Congratulations @Rian16
I just gave the written test, looks like I definitely need some more learning. xD
Meanwhile,I will improve my flying.