Hello all!
Today I passed the IFATC written test. Me and my recruiter are planning a date for the practical test this week. I have watched all of Tyler’s videos(including ‘the perfect atc test’) many times. Apart from the videos, does anyone have any tips for the practical test?
Maybe make a tracking thread if you haven’t already?
Experienced controllers will judge you and help you prepare for the practical. Good luck!
Nice. Good luck to your practical. Cant wait to see you controlling.
already did! thanks very much
Can’t wait to see you flying ;)
Then keep practicing and using your thread to your advantage.
I suggest to remain calm while doing the practical test. If you remain calm during your practical, you will avoid doing mistakes. Just treat it like an ordinary controlling session ;)
Best of luck and see you at IFATC!
Have you contacted a trainer? I highly suggest you contact a trainer, and do some training sessions.
Hello! Is that going to be my recruiter?
No. You need to contact a trainer separately. Let me get you thread.
Alright thanks very much
Here you go:
Good luck buddy 🤛
This is so cool
What’s so cool?
I am also applying for ATC.
So…Any tips for me?
Just relax & treat it as just another training. Don’t add more pressure to yourself.
As I mentioned a few days back to @Rian16, make sure to get yourself a trainer. They will guide you through everything you need to know for the practical. Relax, and you’ll be fine.
My absolute number 1 tip however, is to NOT RUSH. I know that it is exciting, however if you rush, and don’t revise properly, you will fail.
Good luck!
Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank everyone for the advice. I passed my practical last Saturday evening. So happy to be aboard, and @Sandipan_Kundu1, keep trying if you don’t pass, it’s definitely worth it!
Congratulations @Rian16
I just gave the written test, looks like I definitely need some more learning. xD
Meanwhile,I will improve my flying.