IFATC @ Incheon ( RKSI )

Huge shoutout to @CitrusAviatrix ( Incheon center ) @kadengg ( ground ) and @KR0WZIE ( tower ) today at RKSI.

Was flying EDDF-RKSI in which during descent I had to declare low fuel emergency with only 3 percent left, the ATC was completely professional and just like in real life they did what they could to accommodate the rest of the aircraft to prioritize my landing ( this post is not about me ).

Thank you to the three of you and thank you to the rest of IFATC. You guys make this game a whole lot more realistic and better. Cheers !!



Hey Sebastian! All good bro! Thanks for the shoutout💪


No problem at all, thanks for the mention and your kind words! 😍

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