IFATC @ Home | New South Wales + YMML | Australia

IFATC @ Home | New South Wales | Australia

G’day everyone!

Today, or tomorrow for most, is the one & only “IFATC At Home” theme for all IFATC controlling on the expert server!

Overall, this is a stunner of an opportunity for all IFATC across the board to showcase their home airport/s and additionally being able to bring their region to life!

Well, down here in Australia, that’s exactly what we are doing!
We will be focusing tomorrow on bringing the complete New South Wales region to life, through opening every single Sydney airport at once, and additionally opening up Melbourne and Coffs to create an opportunity of some beautiful flights across the state.

So, when will be opening up all these fabulous airports?

Well, due to us Australians usually being one of the only regions awake during region change for IFATC, we will have our operations up & running as soon as the bell rings for Sunday’s schedule to begin. If you’re not sure when that is, the schedule changes each day @ 0600Z. So that’s when we will be there!

Who will be opening what?

Here’s the full rundown on who will be making this operation come to life tomorrow;

Sydney Kingsford Smith - YSSY

" Sydney Airport [YSSY] [SYD] is one of the world’s longest continuously operated commercial airports and is the busiest airport in Australia, handling 42.6 million passengers and 348,904 aircraft movements in 2016–17. It’s also a vital role of Qantas’s flight operations as Sydney is Qantas’s main hub for all flight operations and currently 46 domestic and 43 international destinations are served to Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport" Credit

YSSY APPR: @Chris_Hoss
YSSY TWR: @SebastianF
YSSY GRND: @sam2875
YSSY ATIS: @sam2875

Bankstown Metro - YSBK


“Bankstown Airport is an airport and business park located in the Canterbury-Bankstown area, approximately 26 km from the Sydney Central Business District, Australia and 17 km west of Sydney”
“With aircraft movements approaching 350,000 annually, Bankstown is the country’s busiest airport by a long way, and about the 30th busiest in the world.” Credit

YSBK T/G/A: @Luke_M

Coffs Harbour - YSCN

“Coffs Harbour Airport is the only airport located in and serving the regional centre of Coffs Harbour, Australia. The airport is located near Boambee, south of Coffs Harbour. Coffs Harbour Regional Airport is one of the largest and busiest regional airports in New South Wales, handling numerous types of aircraft.” Credit

YCFS T/G/A: @Adam

Camden Metro -YSCN


“Camden Airport is an aerodrome located on the outskirts of Sydney 1 nautical mile northwest of Camden, New South Wales, Australia. The airport is located approximately 60 km from Sydney’s central business district.” Credit


Melbourne Tullamarine - YMML

“Melbourne Airport, colloquially known as Tullamarine Airport, is the primary airport serving the city of Melbourne, and the second busiest airport in Australia. It opened in 1970 to replace the nearby Essendon Airport.” Credit

YMML APPR: @Declan
YMML DEP: @Declan
YMML T/G/A: @Josh

Well, that’s it everyone!
We’re all really excited to open up these stunning airports and the entirety of our region!
We hope to see you all down under for a coupla circuits, a long haul, a short haul, or really, anything to do with aviation!
Catcha later & see you soon!


Oh boy can’t wait to hop on discord and hear all of you yelling at each other while controlling! Only joking. Great thread! Looks like it’ll be a fun one. :)


This will be fun! Who’s excited?


Same I can’t wait to hear screaming by Chris on people who don’t follow his instructions😂 🍿


Can’t wait

You mean who can’t follow procedure


Wow great banner! Looking forward to it!


Can’t wait, thanks guys.

Hey, I want to be involved, how do i get access to the discord?

DM’d you the link

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Hey, can I have the link as well? I’m flying in from Vancouver, I should be arriving around 2020-04-05T13:30:00Z.

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Two events in Aus in less than a week 😍 this is making iso a lot more bearable. Cheers legends.


Our pilots will be out and about during this!

We can’t wait! :)

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Flying into Sydney as I type this, can’t wait for this. Thanks so much to everyone offering ATC coverage in Aus!

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See you there, guys! ;)

Including me!

We’re all open, so come on down!

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Anyone down for a flight?

Luke, I will be controlling YBCG, Gold Coast airport for this event as well.


Will any of you guys be open tomorrow?