IF World Tour LEG 4: SPJC - SAEZ (via SCEL)

Aerolíneas Argentinas Flight 6789

SPJC (Lima) to SAEZ (Buenos Aires) - with a stopover in SCEL (Santiago de Chile)

Departing SPJC (Lima) Runway 15

cruising over the Ocean

Approaching SCEL

Landing at SCEL Runway 17L

Parked at Terminal 1, Gate 18

Taking off Runway 17R at SCEL (Very bad take off 😔)

Scenic Andes Shots

(The Replay didn’t record the rest of the flight)


Nice photos! That area of the world is definitely underrated.

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Buenos Aires mentioned!

Also, we all have bad takeoff days, that’s why I chicken out and fly without winds :3

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I took off to early

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