I think it needs some work, sorry.
After the release of auto step climb, we wanted to hear more from the community! For the next week, we want the IFC to vote on what the next feature the IF Remote Team should focus on as our priority!
You can pick from:
- iOS home screen widgets to let you track your flight progress
- Showing NAVAIDS on the IF Remote map
- Showing more detailed flight plan information in IF Remote
- Allowing you to share your flight via a link – other users can follow your flight live with IF Remote
- Allowing you to put your flight in a hold pattern until you are home and back on the virtual flight deck for approach
We look forward to hearing what the community thinks - so if you have even the slightest preference be sure to vote and make your opinion heard! We hope you will all join in and help mold this app to suit the community more and more with every update!
– The IF Remote Team
- iOS home screen widgets to let you track your flight progress
- Showing NAVAIDS on the IF Remote map
- Showing more detailed flight plan information in IF Remote
- Allowing you to share your flight via a link – other users can follow your flight live with IF Remote
- Allowing you to put your flight in a hold pattern until you are home and back on the virtual flight deck for approach
New update!
We have released an update to IF Remote, which can be found on the iOS App Store as v1.1.1.
This version focuses on enhanced support and logging tools to allow the IF Remote team to better support users and provide insights into challenges users have with the app so that we can continue to improve the app.
We would encourage all users to upgrade to help the IF Remote team to continue to improve the app for all users.
We also wanted to remind you about our survey regarding upcoming features of IF Remote here. Please share your vote and help guide the future of IF Remote.
Finally, please join our Discord server to learn more, join our IF Remote community discussions and get support.
We look forward to seeing you in the virtual skies.
– The IF Remote Team
There’s three days left to vote for the next feature you’d like to see in IF Remote!
If you haven’t yet, just head here and select the option you’d like! We look forward to hearing opinions from all of you:)
– The IF Remote Team
Were fast approaching the end of our survey for what you’d like to see added to the IF Remote roadmap!
To vote, just head here and vote for the option you’d like! We are glad some of you have been so keen to express your thoughts on where this app should go!
– The IF Remote Team
Hey everyone!
Putting your flight into a hold until you’re at your device has won the majority in the above poll. Thanks for participating and getting your voice heard.
Our current roadmap is as follows:
- We’ve released version 1.1 which features Auto Step Climb.
- Click me for the App Store link.
- We’ve been hard at work on version 1.2, which the main focus will be relating to Top of Descent. This will allow you to see the estimated top of descent in the app while monitoring in the app as well as show this in the live activity at a glance, with push notifications as you get closer.
- This new release will be entering Beta shortly and we expect this to be released to you by early February.
- Planning is underway for version 1.3, which will feature the sought-after hold feature you’ve voted for.
From the whole IF Remote team, thank you for your votes and ongoing feedback. It means a lot to us and we’d hope to hear from you all soon in our Discord server !
— the IF Remote Team