IF Pro ‘Long Service Leave’

Hello fellow pilots as of today this will be my final pro flight until December, today’s flight was for me a final send off.
Route: Seattle KSEA/SEA - Los Angeles KLAX/LAX
Flight time: 1 hour 59 minutes
Aircraft: Boeing 737-8 Max
Airline: Alaska Airlines
Callsign: Alaska 7645
Distance 829 Nautical Miles
Server: Expert

Moonlit flight start at Terminal North at the Gate G20

“Alaska 7645, pushback approved, tail to the south”

Taxi to runway 16L at Seattle Tacoma

Ready for takeoff runway 16L departing south

Takeoff rotation at 160 kts departing towards LAX

Banking right with Mount Rainer in the background with a beautiful sunrise

Climb to FL390 with Mount Rainer on the far left, Mount St Helens in the center and Mount hood on the far right

Cruise at FL390 at Mach 0.79

Steep descent into LAX via IRNMN2 STAR

Steep right bank, flaps 30 onto final runway 24L

Beautiful touchdown with appearance from @pooo_san in a Delta A330-900

Heavy reverse thrust after touchdown

Taxi to Terminal 4 at the Gate 42A

Parked at Gate 42A with an appearance from @Alaska_298 in an Air Canada Max 8 from Vancouver

Thanks to all pilots in the multiplayer servers for an enjoyable month of flying


Ahhhh nooo are you going to play infinite flight again or you leaving pro

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Just leaving pro, ofc I’ll keep playing infinite flight


Ahhh man pro has so much amazing stuff and without it you are in borders

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I know but at least I can still fly in Australia


No you won’t be able since you need pro

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Or can you

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Yeah in NSW

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Nice photos :)


Nooooo hopefully you can come back to pro

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I will I get it every year in December, it’s kind of an early Christmas gift


Ooohhh, that’s good then, by next December there’s probably gonna be a rework/new aircraft

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Yeah the Neos and hopefully the Mystery Aircraft


Yeah, I really want to see a 767 rework and an a320neo!


Also I love those pictures they look soooo good!

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Mach 0.79? Well, I would rather fly at Mach 0.78 especially because it’s a narrow body jet. Well back in 2020, I used to fly a narrow body jet at Mach 0.84 and I’ve never gotten an overspeeding violation. But then in 2024 when I was flying the B737-800, I heard that three-beep alarm that told me to slow down to below Mach 0.82 to avoid an overspeeding violation to where I didn’t realize that it was at Mach 0.82. So yeah.

Dude it’s .01 difference… it’s gonna be ok 😭

@Prestoni, uh please? Okay? I’ve flown at Mach 0.79 and corrected it to be at Mach 0.78? Okay. So enough

Mach 0.8 for me for most narrow body aircraft. No faster unless conditions are perfect and only slower based on the aircraft or weather conditions

Dayum bruh this was ment to be my farewell to Infinite Flight Pro, but instead I’m getting lectures by flying 0.1 Mach over what they prefer 😭
(I only flew at 0.79 because I would’ve fell outta the sky)