Need some help, I have IF on iPhone 6 and my iPad works great on my phone but when I play on IPad no plane will take off just bounces spins then crashes, the settings are the exact same on both devices, tried the usual reboot, delete and reinstall. Anyone got any ideas?
Will try again and keep you posted cheers
For calibrating make suer your yolk is lined up on the shadow. Maybe the wind conditions? are you on single player mode?
Hmm. You are running updated iOS on both? Reset to default on controls. It’s probably something simple, just need to find it.
What happens if you reset the controls? How does it affect the gameplay?
Try this one, helps i guess:
Can’t go up or down and can’t steer left to right
On single play mode.No matter the plane or wat I change the settings to as soon as it starts to move the plane starts to bounce side to side then spins to the right then up rolls to the right then crashes. I keep setting the settings to what I have in phone but doesn’t help. Tried deleting and reinstalling and rebooting about a dozen times only thing I have done is throw it of a wall.
Try checking the wind settings especially if its a crosswind
I also use an iPad Air 2 with iOS 9.2 and cannot reproduce this issue. Never had that problem. Strange. Is the device iOS up to date? Is it Jailbroken?
Got it sorted now. Turns out it wasn’t just IF that was playing up, a few other apps were acting up aswell. In the end I factory reset my iPad it’s now working perfectly (thank god). Thanks everyone for there help it was greatly appreciated.
After the Infinity Flight have installation is complete.(Ipad2) I can play happily.sir
Just a question I’ve been trying to get answered for a while. I’m getting a new iPad in a few months, but about 2 or 3 updates ago, the INFINITE FLIGHT became very laggy on my ipad 2, which is partly the reason I’m getting a new one. The simulator performed superbly before those updates. I’ve factory reset the device but little has changed. Does anyone have similar complaints and do you know how to resolve the issue?? Any help would be grateful.
Unfortunately, it’s just a 2. Just wanted to ensure it wasn’t sthg that could be addressed. Thanks. iPad pro it is then