IF.Kaden's Feb Flight Schedule

Hi everyone, I wanted to test out something to maybe see if this will work the next time. I went ahead and scheduled some flights I wanna do in February. You are welcome to join all, just ask to be put on the ping list! I went ahead and did a drop down menu that way it doesn’t take up all the room. All flights will be held on Training and Expert server. Mainly Expert though. Some flights might be changed or canceled too so keep that in mind. Departure times will be announced either the day of the flight or the day before. Hope to see some of you here!

Ping list


All flights
Date Flight Number Airline Aircraft Livery Departure Airport Arrival Airport Depature ICAO Arrival ICAO Flight Time
2/1 DAL2645 Delta B737-800 Delta Airlines Los Angeles Seattle KLAX KSEA 3hrs 9mins
2/2 ASA647 Alaska B737 MAX 8 Alaska Airlines Seattle Anchorage KSEA PANC 3hrs 8mins
2/3 ASA827 Alaska B737 MAX 8 Alaska Airlines Anchorage Honolulu PANC PHNL 5hrs 47mins
2/4 FJI852 Fiji B737 MAX 8 Fiji Airways Honolulu Apia PHNL NSFA 5hrs 37mins
2/5 VOZ276 Virgin Australia B737-800 Virgin Australia Apia Brisbane NSFA YBBN 5hrs 27mins
2/6 SIA246 Singapore A350-900 Singapore Airways Brisbane Singapore Changi YBBN WSSS 7hrs 20mins
2/7 JSA287 Jetstar Asia A320-200 Jetstar Singapore Changi Medan WSSS WIMM 1hr 25mins
2/8 LIN84 Lion Air A330-900neo Lion Air Medan Jeddah WIMM OEJN 8hrs 50mins
2/9 ETH463 Ethiopian B787-8 Ethiopian Jeddah Addis Ababa OEJN HAAB 2hrs 10mins
2/10 ETH718 Ethiopian A350-900 Ethiopian Addis Ababa London Gatwick HAAB EGKK 7hrs 30mins
2/11 EZY8407 Easyjet A320-200 Easyjet London Gatwick Paris EGKK LFPG 1hr 7mins
2/12 JBU34 JetBlue A321-200 JetBlue Mint Paris Boston LFPG KBOS 7hrs 32mins
2/13 JBU1421 JetBlue A220-300 JetBlue Boston West Palm Beach KBOS KPBI 3hrs 33mins
2/14 UAL601 United B737 MAX 8 United West Palm Beach Houston KPBI KIAH 3hrs 6mins
2/15 UAL5 United B777-200 United Houston London Heathrow KIAH EGLL 9hrs 2mins
2/16 BAW884 British Airways A320-200 British Airways London Heathrow Bucharest EGLL LROP 3hrs 15mins
2/17 FDB1710 FlyDubai B737 MAX 8 FlyDubai Bucharest Dubai LROP OMDB 4hrs 42mins
2/18 CSN384 China Southern A330-300 China Southern Dubai Guangzhou OMDB ZGGG 6hrs 16mins
2/18 CSN3115 China Southern A330-300 China Southern Guangzhou Beijing Daxing ZGGG ZBAD 2hrs 40mins
2/19 CES789 China Eastern A320-200 China Eastern Beijing Daxing Tokyo Haneda ZBAD RJTT 3hrs 15mins
2/20 UAL848 United B737-800 United Tokyo Haneda Guam RJTT PGUM 3hrs 50mins
2/21 UAL200 United B777-300ER United Guam Honolulu PGUM PHNL 7hrs
2/22 WJA1867 WestJet B787-9 WestJet Honolulu Calgary PHNL CYYC 6hrs
2/23 DAL2492 Delta A320-200 Delta Airlines Calgary Minneapolis CYYC KMSP 3hrs
2/24 AAL2802 American B737-800 American Airlines Minneapolis Charlotte KMSP KCLT 2hrs 31mins
2/25 AAL350 American A320-200 American Airlines Charlotte Grand Cayman KCLT MWCR 2hrs 51mins
2/26 CAY480 Cayman Airways B737 MAX 8 Generic Grand Cayman Los Angeles MWCR KLAX 5hrs 26mins
2/27 UAL2282 United Airlines B757-200 United Airlines - 2019 Los Angeles Washington Dulles KLAX KIAD 4hrs 42mins
2/28 UAL2276 United Airlines B787-9 United Airlines Washington Dulles Los Angeles KIAD KLAX 5hrs 12mins

When the day comes for a flight it’ll be set up like this:

Date Flight Number Airline Aircraft Livery Departure Airport Arrival Airport Depature ICAO Arrival ICAO Flight Time
2/1 DAL2645 Delta B737-800 Delta Airlines Los Angeles Seattle KLAX KSEA 3hrs 9mins

Hmmmmmmmmm and how many flights are there in that table?

Well if you count the number of days you’ll get your answer.

However there are 2 flights for one of the days.

For your simple answer it’s 29

Ahaa thanks for your IP (jk)

Can you please put me on the ping list? Thanks!

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