IF A319 With Realistic Sounds

A while ago I decided to use the sounds from a real Airbus -319 as an experiment to see how it will sound like! Maybe this is how the A320’s will sound like in IF in the future? (Not speculating)

Route: N/A Simple takeoff from EDDF

Server: Solo

Time: Noon

Aircraft: Croatian Airlines - A319

Let me know what ya’ll think!


This sound is just amazing, nice video😍


most awesome vid I saw all week

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Good Job !

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Thats amazing!

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Good job,that’s a nice video

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Truely awesome. Like me you zoom a bit on the wing to make it more realistic.
This sound is amazing, would be awesome to have it on IF. Vertical speed on TO is also realistic here. I think @Armand_Benoist will like it too.
Cheers !

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Thank you a lot for the feedback! Appreciate it!

I love these IF with realistic sounds video movies! I really want to make these, but I’m not sure how plus I don’t have any airplane sounds that I took and I want to use anyone else’s sound.

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Usually the way you would make one of these videos is you take a real takeoff and sync it with the sim takeoff. You would usually do this with an editing software. For me I used iMovie.

Mobile or Mac?

Great video!! If you keep making great content, I’ll definitely consider subscribing!

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Mac for better quality videos, but doing it on iPhone is easier…

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Very nice, very nice 👌

I usually just do it all on the Mac. Once you get used to it, you can do it while driving hol up, bad example - uh - I mean, you could totally do it in your sleep 🛏

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I have defiantly gotten used to it on Mac. and you are right. Once you get used to it is much much easier.

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That video was amazing mate, well done!

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Amazing editing skills!

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Thank you a lot!

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Nice one mate!

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Thankyou! 😄

Amazing video, good job!

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