-Today i flew from VVDN to VVTS by the F-16 to join the even. But during the Approach pharse, I missed an ATC instruction. The ATC did warn me about giving me a strike if i dont comply. Well i tried, i scrolled back the ATC transmission log to find my instruction. But i couldn’t find it in time, so i was given a Lvl2 striked and ghosted. Now looking back the Replay, i saw my instruction was within 4 other SAME COLOR instruction.
-I admit, i was at fault for missing the intruction. But, in my defence, i couldn’t see it because it was the same COLOR as the others.
-So, if any IF dev read this. Plz add some new player’s markers for me, for us.
Hey there!
For future reference, you can see what your most recent altitude, heading & speed instructions (as well as your assigned runway) were in the top right of the ATC dialog menu (see screenshot - highlighted green circle) rather than having to scroll through the ATC logs - you can also double tap on the ATC logs themselves to only view transmissions between you and ATC.
If you wish to appeal the violation - see the topic below:
How did I not know this was a thing? 😭😭
Same here 😭😭😭
They are the same color only in the replay. On live servers, your instructions are a different color from all other instructions.
Refer to what Ben wrote above.
Maybe this “feature” should be mentioned in the User Guide. It’s very useful particularly when in a busy airspace.
Edit: it is already lol
ok, wow. I flew in IF for 2 years and i didn;t know that. i feel so dumb rn.
Don’t. We learn new things every day :)
I’m blind apparently… 🤣
On the flight loading screen there is some tips to make your IF experience easier and that exact tip is included there
Lets be honest though - how many people read those tips…
Please read the tips or you will be reported 😜
All the instruction from ATC to ME was the same color as everyone eles for me
That’s the case for replays. When flying they are a brighter yellow than others. Can you share a screenshot if possible?
Ooh I didn’t know that! (Edit: the instructions in the top right)
I’m doing the Long haul flight rn (EGLLL-YSSY), will show u as soon as i landed.
In the spirit of realism, perhaps we should have users scroll through and confirm they have read the relevant portions of the user guide (1) before they join the expert server for the first time and (2) every 6 months thereafter in lieu of simulator sessions.
Much frustration could be avoided if people were more aware (and made better use of) the resources that are available to them.
Again, they are the same color in replays. Those pictures you shared are from the replay. When you play in game, on the live servers, your instructions are a different color.