Hey, guys I just reach Grade 3 just then, I’m planning to attend some events and learn a bit more about the Expert server
Good for you! Just remember to follow all rules and ATC instructions.
1 Like
Do you have all the rules’s link?
A good thread if you wanna stay there:
Recently, while controlling and flying, I’ve noticed several pilots tend to make mistakes in certain areas/phases of their flight. The best way to fix these would be by taking a look at the tutorials. I would like to highlight a few places and also make suggestions which might be of help to the pilots:
1.) When exiting the runway, do not stop before the holdshort line
This is the most common error which I see on a pilot’s end. If you do not cross the hold short line, you’re still on t…
Violations will kill you, so keep your speed in check in the air and on the ground. When descending, note that speeds will increase for aircraft like the DC10 below 10000 feet.
Listen and follow immediately, ALL ATC commands.
Don’t call into approach at 24000 feet. If you do, you will be given hold instructions. Descend to the altitude instructed while in or entering the hold. Do not deviate from the instructions given. 230kts is 230kts indicated airspeed (IAS). Headings must be followed…
You can check out Ground School too, or Infinite Flight’s YouTube channel. They provide very good resources which can help you in flying on Infinite Flight.
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Thanks for helping me guys
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August 16, 2020, 11:27am
Congratulations mate I hope you go have a good moment on the Expert Server !
Another one time congratulations !
1 Like
August 16, 2020, 12:00pm
Congratulations! See you in Expert ✈️
That’s a great achievement, well done!
Just a tip, don’t be scared to fly, it is so much more fun! Just follow instructions and you are ok! It is a simulator after all :)
Congratulations. Hopefully I’ll see you around while I’m flying or controlling!
Welcome to the expert server!
Some things you should know:
Follow all ATC instructions or you WILL be ghosted.
Try joining a virtual airline.
Fly to featured airports.
Well welcome to the world of expert server, glad to have you here! Congrats on grade 3!
1 Like
Congratulations, and welcome to the expert server! Here’s a great topic that you should check out before you begin your adventures on ES!
Welcome to the Infinite Flight Pilot Communications Manual! This topic is meant to guide pilots through every aspect of communicating within Infinite Flight. Whether you are controlling or flying, conveying information is a vital part of every live session.
I encourage you to use this topic as a reference point - try linking other users to specific sections of this manual, rather than linking the whole thread. This can help newer users navigate the forum and this topic. To do so, s…
Thanks guys until then see you in expert server
November 14, 2020, 9:20pm
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