I love America West

Just as the name implies, I love flying the America West 757! It’s my #1 favorite ✏️ livery, followed dangerously close with Uzbekistan Airways and Lapa! Today was the last day of my 1st of 4 semesters at collage, and I figured doing an America West flight would be the perfect way to end a fantastic (and stressful 😅) semester‼️ Please enjoy these photos!

The total number of Bison I have 🦬

Airline: America West Airlines (AWE)
Aircraft: B757-2Q8
Callsign: Cactus 403 Heavy
Departure Airport: Eugene Airport (Mahlon Sweet Field)
Arrival Airport: Harry Reid Int’l (Las Vegas)
Flight Time: 1hr 34min

Preparing for pushback and start up from 🅰️1️⃣ , with the cascade mountains 🏔️and Willamette National Forest 🌳 🌲peaking out from behind our 1984 built B757 ✏️

Houston we have liftoff!

Bye bye Eugene! You were good to us!

Hello Medford 👋
@Aidan101 summon 🤔 oh wait he’s not here 😭

Reno 😍
Obligatory @A320_Flyerboy19 summon since he did a fantastic job with RNO!

I’m sure Area 51 is out there somewhere 👽

Sin City is in-sight, I repeat Sin City is in sight 🎰💵
@Klas892 summon

Downwind for runway 26L 🛬

Oh hello there Southwest 👋

Safely parked at A05 after a quick 1:34!
🫶 AWE 😍

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I ♥️ American west too!

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757 go broooom


Fun fact I sped through Reno out in three days last winter while I was sick.


Covid? Flu?


Another fun fact, I built the terminal in one night. It’s 2d that was a pain

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Bro didn’t tell me he was in Eugene… Hoping it’s 3D In this update 🤞🏼

That’s skill I’m yet to have and I’m almost on year 2 with ifaet.
The quickest I ever built one was 35 minutes but it was a dirt strip

I highly recommend putting on a Netflix show, or a movie and just settling into the night to work.

That’s how I finish KORF 3D lmao


beautiful shots :) i love the 757

Love the photos, and the storyline. 🙏🏾

My brain can’t handle more than 2hrs at a time lol

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Until about a year ago I thought I’d never flown on a 757 and never would, until I found my old GoPro. I found out that when I was 9 years old I flew a 757 from SEA-KOA.

So I’m a certified 757 fan I guess???

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Delta I assume?


I absolutely adore that America West livery though, it just says everything about what a retro livery is supposed to be.

Minus one now (since you’re ofc giving one to me)

Nice shots! There was a time where I used to travel with America West. Brings back some memories.


No. I’m not

I love it so much!
Fun fact - my neighbor at home in Jackson used to be the head of the complaint department at AWE 😂😂

Such a great livery on the 757.

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