I just landed with 40kg of fuel remaining!

I was conducting flight from SPRU to SPJC with JetSmart A320. I got enough fuel but ATC go arounded me multiple times (one was unnecessary).

I managed to direct visual to runway 15. APP did not help at all, wanted me to divert but there were no airports around (APP should have known that).

After Landing

Flight Path


2x Go around?

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Yeah. Both times aircraft ahead me failed to exit in time. In second time aircraft on runway was on taxiway but TWR go arounded me.

Remember the whole of the aircraft needs to have crossed the hold short line and be fully onto the taxiway before another aircraft movement can happen ❤️👍.

Even if that did happen, you can’t blame the controller for being cautious!

Glad you got down eventually… hey 39kgs too much fuel 😂!


Yeah man you are absolutely right. I’m not blaming ♥️👍

Same as me earlier today. I think I was approaching just as someone logged into ATC. a big bunch in front of me were all close up. They gave permission for a C-17 to line up, then told them to take off and… they sat there. then ATC left and i had to go around by myself.

Then a new ATC controller logged in, handled things well, until someone was sat waiting again. Glad to have the ATC though, as the 2nd go around they snuck me in to 3rd position to land again.

40KG is insane, i ended up landing on 8%

These single runway airports are going to be crazy on the ATC.

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The same almost happened to me, there were 2 Planes waiting for Take off, ATC cleared them for immediate Take off and i landed without any go around but the plane in front of me was doing a go around cuz ATC didnt notice that he cleared somebody for take off at the same time he was landing.