I got given vectors when I said I was flying VFR

I’m in a small Cessna 172(?) and I said I was flying VFR. The advanced controller then started giving me an altitude and heading vectors. What should I do? There are no aircraft in front of me!

I was 3,500 ft when I said it. I’m not near any airport?

I’ve had that happen to me before in the Playground server. I was flying my Super Decathalon near LAX so I guess the approach controller thought I was going in for landing. He gave me vectors for Rwy 24R. I kept saying “Unable” but I don’t think he understood.

I’m not in playground though! I’m in the advanced server.

Well then there’s something wrong there.

The possibility remains that the controller was vectoring you out of the way of incoming traffic. Us advanced controllers won’t usually give you directions like that unless there’s a good reason for it.

Even though you were flying VFR, it’s up to us at our discretion to maneuver you out of the way of any traffic that might make its way into your area.

However, if you think that the controller was in the wrong, simply screenshot and forward it to any of my superiors. @MishaCamp, @John_Preston21, and @Tyler_Shelton are some people you can contact in regards to this.

There was no traffic in front or beside me. Controller has left, so I can’t find their controller name.

  1. Probably vectoring you away from an airport as you may be entering airspace where VFR flying isn’t permitted

  2. Traffic you may not have seen may be near

  3. Possibly a little mistake but I doubt that


Sorry John. I had well left by the time you posted that. I never took any screenshots, unfortunately :/

There really needs to be: either; More ATC response options, or Ability to customise ATC call outs? Sometimes, there just isn’t the right response/order/ call; which means ‘pilots’ and ‘ATC’s’ have to guess/interpret what they are supposed to do by the ‘limited’ options available.

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Maybe make another post under the category “features” to see what others think :)

@divebuddha Live ATC voicing doesn’t work, sorry.

I’m a deaf/hard of hearing person at birth, and several other people on the forums are, as well, so that option doesn’t really pan out so much.

If you consider this- I’ve worked very hard to become an advanced ATC, and all that gets thrown away by a live voice option… that would make a lot of people angry, especially me.

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First, calm down.

I’m stating my position in a calm and stately manner.

Look at the perspective from the other side. If you worked with all your might to become advanced ATC in this simulator… How does it feel when you won’t be able to have that viability anymore? I can’t become a ATC out there in real airports because of my inability to hear voice comms. The same may go for other people as well.

Also, consider this- even regular hearing people might not be able to fully comprehend the dialects through the comms. All of us have varying degrees of technological audio- my laptop’s audio barely even works at all.

Third, I never said that I was “angry” at people using voice. I’m okay with that option- as long as it doesn’t spoil or hinder the duties that I have to carry out as an advanced ATC. There are things that work for everybody, and things that don’t. I’m against voice being used extensively, since there are a lot of variables that can come into play.

If a better solution was worked out, then I’m all for it.

However, keep in mind that the current tapping situation for ATC commands work just fine. It wouldn’t “put” people off playing the sim at all- they’re mainly wanting to fly the planes. Us select ATCs are there to provide them services.

I also thank you for the advice about Vatsim- I wasn’t aware in that regard. However, you’re saying that it’s a backup tool- not a primary option of control, which is my issue.

I highly suggest talking to @MishaCamp, @John_Preston21, @Tyler_Shelton, and several other of my superiors in regards as to why this may not, or could work, in the future.
