I got a violation for no reason

How can i Sent Videos Here ?

I recorded my flight and you will See that was Not my fault.

And you can post link here.

Wait, i have a possible reason. If you had set your speed to 349kts above FL100, the mach speed will be similar to M0.93. Maybe your airspeed setting was too high

Mate i set it Never on 349 i set it to 310 kts

then the auto airspeed should be M0.82, but when we look at your pic when climbing through Fl140, the airspeed indicator shows around 400kts AS

Can you share the replay instead of just pictures.

Yeah that is the reason why i unterstand it ! I Think After this flight , i Would become 20 violations and Not 1

Yes i can and i would it

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No. Replay only records ground speed, not air speed.

@Harun_Koyuncu - were you using any 3rd party apps? IF-A or similar?

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No sir nothing of them


I’ll recommend you upload the replay as others have suggested. This is basically just a guessing game at this point and no one will be able to tell you what happened without the full story. This is where replay comes in ;)


is this the real reason behind this feature XD

Let me give one example, imagine you taking your car to mechanic becos of noise, you get there the noise gone. The mechanic won’t take your word for it becos you got picture of the sound happening. Anyways you are lucky you got evidence. Just upload it. If not we will be going in circle…god knows how long.

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It’s one of many :)

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but I have not made any mistakes … it is very simple. Imagine they fly for a whole flight on M.90 M.99 or M.089 would they only get one violation or 100?

You can only get maximum 15 vios in a flight.

You get maximum of 5 violation per flight.

you sure its 5? I got 15 on TS before.