I Don’t Have A Title For This @KSBD

Prime Air is a cargo airline for Amazon

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Oh so half passengers and half cargo stuff I guess

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It’s all cargo, the only people on board are the pilots

Oh that makes sense and I guess flight attendants

Probably no flight attendants since there isn’t really anyone to take care of

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Let’s get back on topic folks.


I was but they got off topic

Not to start it up again, but you brought up imploding binoculars…


Excellent photos! I’ve been to SBD three times already this year and was primary after the Asiana 747.
Sorry to ask but where exactly was (HL7428) parked at?

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Is HL the code for ocean gate they were telling me about?

Where I circled in red was where it was parked, had to drive down a dirt road a little to catch it


Oh man that’s bad. Did your car get dirt in it

No, we were all joking about the OceanGate thing, it’s a submersible company

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Oh the things that go underwater?


Oh nice. How was your ride in it?

I wasn’t on one, I believe you might be confused

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@Butter575 wasn’t on OceanGate - if he was, we wouldn’t be talking to him.

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Oh… that area!
I was hesitant to drive around there because I thought it was a restricted area. I mainly walked in front of the terminal and where the A340 and the 727 was parked at.
According to the Planespotter website, the status of HL7428 was written: “Broken up at SBD”, so I was sad to know that I was too late to see the aircraft.

Anyways, thank you and it was good to know! I’ll go there again next year (as long as the aircraft hasn’t been scrapped already).


Oh is he the one yall said had the imploding binocular?