I can’t believe this happened to me after 12 hours 😭


I don’t know how to explain how I’m feeling right now but it feels really disgusting. After 12 hours flight time I was turning the autopilot off to land and this happened:


something similar happened to me too
i was flying JFK-BOM with the 9W 77W
i was using APPR mode for landing and when i turned off the auto pilot at 90 feet, the plane crashed

i had caliberated it twice before turning it off btw

15 hours flight

Feels brother.

That happened on a semi-long haul for me. First time I tried the Oceanic Tracks. From KJFK to EGLL, semi-long ya. But I also didn’t land for some reason. Really annoying, and it was on ES too. (I like my ES flights to be at least good in my own standards).

What happened? Not calibrated?

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That’s weird, I wonder why.

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Dang :( that sucks

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Normally when I calibrate it, the nose goes a little down or a little up the I have to align again. But this time, the nose just took off like a space jet.

Whats ur sensitivity setting?

This is why you always recalibrate and disengage the auto pilot 1 at a time. Here is the order in which i disengage the auto pilot.

Starting at GPW 2500 reposition your hands into a stable position and recalibrate make sure to have proper trim setting.

Disengage Heading at the half final mark which will give you manual control of turning to give you the feel of the aircraft

Disengage VNAV then altitude around 1500ft which give you full control of pitch

Disengage the speed when you hear GPW call out 500 then go for the landing.

Do this and the next time you do a flight this won’t happen.


I feel you right now. It’s annoying.

Hi, recalibrating won’t prevent a sudden pitch up when you turn off the autopilot, if you are out of trim.

Did you remember if you checked your trim as well when you turned off your AP?


Low, I hate high

About your sensitivity setting:

If I turn down my pitch sensitivity a fair amount, and try AP in landing configuration, with a good amount of positive trim, and only 10kts or so over my final approach speed:

Even though I calibrate just before turning off AP, I demonstrated I can easily get a sudden pitch up that exceeds my ability to fight against by pitching my device control downwards.

(the modestly higher approach speed “helped” make the runaway pitch-up worse)

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I just had a similar issue only I was cruising at FL330. I calibrate when I reach cruise, My device was left in its spot. While adjusting speed at cruise I accidentally turned my alt a/p off and immediately went into a 10,000+FPM climb.

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trim ur aircraft perfectly before turning off autopilot and dont forget to recalibrate.

find ur perfect approach speed too

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I think the calibrate feature needs an update because that does not work well

Best course of action is to trim the aircraft when descending, which negates the need to calibrate when you turn off the autopilot.

Welcome to the community YoshiKnows!

About the following comments:

My assumption is that the calibrate function, is to re-affirm where your device’s trim range is, over the range of positions you hold your device, and needs to be updated because:

1)you may be holding your device in a slightly different orientation range from time to time, but most importantly…

2)because a device’s IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) is an amazingly complex trio of 3 separate systems working together to read position and orientation inputs from your device, that nevertheless in spite of the wonderful technology…

is challenged with drift as time progresses, in its interpretation of how you are orienting your device.

So, calibration removes the drift as a basic device “housekeeping” task, but trim assists with aerodynamic pitch forces which change as you fly.

In this way, calibration and trim are connected by need, but perform separate functions:

Calibration mends your device drift; trim sets aircraft control surfaces to counteract changes in pitch torque as you change your flight profile (speed, weight balance, thrust, flaps and gear settings).

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that happened to me on my first flight in the expert server, was on final into Doha and as soon as i turned autopilot off i was in the water 😂

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I can only play on Low too. 😅

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The same thing happend to me but it was cause me and APPR were fighting about who was flying the plane in the American eagle crj700