I am trying to do a scenic flight but it the flight plan wont let me

the flight plan is not letting me do a scenic flight :|

Define scenic? If you want you could spawn anywhere “scenic” and fly VFR.

What does VFR stand for again

Visual flight rules

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VFR (Visual Flight Rules), MVFR (Marginal Visual Flight Rules), IFR (Instrument Flight Rules), LIFR (Low Instrument Flight Rules), BCAT1 (Just don’t fly there)

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I’ve had issues using flightplandatabase before. I use Simbrief now which I can just directly import into IF.

Also, if you’re doing a scenic flight around Sydney, a flightplan is probably unnecessary and you’d be better off going VFR.

If I search for a route in FlightPlanDatabase then it Says Timeout it’s been there for so many years now

On your web browser, you can go to Infinite Flight flighttools or Search, IF Flight tools
And there is an option to create your own flight path using the map provided on the webpage. You will have to play around, but it’s a simple and user-friendly page. I highly recommend it.


try using the satellite map from it, that’ll be better in your case :)