How to use the instrument cluster system (ILS)

Hello community, I have a question about how the instrument landing system works. I realize that I set the landing runway to the destination airport in NAV1, but I don’t know if I’m skipping a step that always misaligns with the center of the runway. I always land on the side of the runway. Can you tell me how to correct it or teach me how to use the ILS system correctly? Thanks.

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(post deleted by author)

The ILS system is only used for approach , if you want to land on the center line you need to land the aircraft manually once you are on final.

Also if you want to learn how to use the ILS system properly , I recommend you to see this video:

Safe landings!

I can’t deduce enough from the information provided, but I think you’re experiencing a crosswind.

When setting NAV1 and using LNAV, you’ll notice that it does not account for crosswind; your nose will be aligned with the heading, however the actual direction of travel will be offset. You can confirm this is occurring by going into HUD view and checking if the flight path vector (circle with a line on the bottom) is off to the side of your attitude indicator.

To counter this, I manually adjust the heading using the autopilot or hand fly the aircraft.

thank you! I’ll make better landings!

You’re welcome , here to help :).

Just land manually. You can use APPR for approach, but I suggest only using VNAV. Use the ILS cone for heading reference and the glideslope for attitude

Are you using APPR or LNAV?

If you are using APPR, this could be crosswinds as stated above.

If you are using LNAV NAV1, I believe it turns you straight towards the threshold disregarding the centerline. (Just something I’ve noticed with it, I could be wrong though)

It does, but what it doesn’t do is
account for crosswind.

I don’t think that crosswind is playing the biggest part here. (Unless they are using APPR, which we don’t know.)

I’ll let you judge for yourself, but I believe all the following comments are not correct.

To verify, I flew an ILS approach with APPR with a direct 25kt crosswind (in the same aircraft).

APPR mode fully crabbed the nose upwind to perfectly track the centerline for a main gear touchdown with the centerline directly in the middle between the two main gear.

The entire approach was hands off.

The only thing I had to do is de-crab the nose angle at the very end.

You have misunderstood me.

APPR mode accounts for crosswind, LNAV does not.

Try the same scenario like this:

  1. Set ILS to NAV1
  2. Set LNAV source to NAV1
  3. Engage LNAV once established

You will notice that it does not account for the crosswind.

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Sorry for that. I can see your point. I assumed the op meant APPR when referring to ILS, and the off-to-the-side issue.

But, after re-verifying that APPR does manage crosswind, what I said was illogical: the op was therefore not using APPR.

Thanks for the correction:)

I mean maybe OP is using APPR? But they haven’t told us. I’m just assuming they’re using LNAV.

Yeah, there is such a question as: using APPR but not getting into the right position to achieve the stabilized crab angle against the wind?

@XplosivePilot did you originally mean you were using APPR or not?