How to manage your replays

Hi, choose share, not open, it works.

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Took me more than Iā€™d like to admit to find an answer to this (sharing the replay file with IF on Android). Thank you, @PlaneCrazy!


I canā€™t open my reply files outside the IF , Iā€™ve shared my replies on my Google drive but when I click on the file it says this type of file is not supportedā€¦ , I have Galaxy s9 phone I also use an OnePlus 7pro phone which is great For gaming but none of them can open the replies when I want to transfer then out of IF folder recordinngs.

You are not supposed to open them outside of IF. They only work inside of IF.

Instead of opening, try open with or sometimes press on share and then you should see Infinite Flight as an option. Then it gets loaded to your replays.

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I want to be able to t o take the reply and share the video on my social mediaā€¦ itā€™s impossibleā€¦ I mean I know screenshot recording and all that but I donā€™t understand why IF Linkā€™s of the videos replies are unsupported, you click on the link and it says itā€™s not supported. But anyways thanks for the reply .

The replay file is a data file, it is not a video file.

If you want to make a video, you need to play the replay in IF using the camera angle of your choosing and then use a third party screen recorder.


Thank you for responding. I do not know how to contact moderator. This is first time on the community forum.

Hi @Joseph_A_DiStefano, go here then click the ā€˜messageā€™ button to send the moderators a message. Youā€™re too low a trust level to contact anyone else but you should be able to message the moderators.

Long press on it and select ā€œShareā€. You may see an Open in infinite flight option.

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I donā€™t know how to import a replay and Iā€™m getting mad about it bc my cousin got me ghosted

How to Import Your Replays

Importing a saved replay is as simple as opening the replay file. It will open in Infinite Flight and import to your available replays.

  1. Using your device, navigate to the file you wish to import.

  1. Press on the file to open it. (Opening the file may vary depending on device)
  2. Please note that some devices require you to long press on the file, followed by selecting ā€œshareā€ and selecting ā€œopen in infinite flightā€
  3. Infinite Flight will open and import the replay


  1. Your imported file will show in your replay list

I did it but it says replay imported successfully what does it mean?

It means itā€™s imported and can be found in your replay list.

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Are they gonna see it?

You mean your cousin that got you ghosted? Yes, if they imported it they will be able to see the replay.

It said ā€œimported successfullyā€ so it means they are able to see it?

Yes, as I said above.


I would like to upload a flight on and when I uploaded, it said my file was zero bytes and I had to go extract it again from the IF app. I did this, but the same thing happened. Iā€™m using an Apple device.

Can someone explain how to resolve this? Thanks.

Delete the local file
Re-export it from IF to your local device. Wait for the confirmation message it was exported.
try the upload again

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Will try in a few hours and let you know. Thank you!