How to make better landing

Guys, can you give me some advice on how to improve landings and butter with all the planes?

Speed management is obviously huge. If you have too much speed you float, not enough you slam. (Ideal speed for each plane varies, check tutorials. This speed also changes based off of your load/weight. Ill let someone else talk about the physics if they so choose.)

Another key element is when to flare. Once youve flown the airplane enough, you kinda get a feel for landing and know exactly how the airplane handles.

After that it just takes practice to perfect the timing of everything. Lots and lots of practice.


VREF is usually stall speed + margin (rule of thumb is 30%).

Since the aircraft stalls at a constant AoA, true stall speed is strictly a function of weight and density altitude. Indicated/Calibrated stall speed is strictly a function of the airplane’s weight only.

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Using the FPV (flight path vector: small circle on the HUD view) to give you immediate feedback on your vertical speed control has the following advantage:

If you’re able to move the FPV from below the horzion, to tucked in right at the bottom of the horizon when your wheels touch…

you cannot bounce.

This is true for all aircraft because FPV at the horizon = 0 vertical speed.

Speed control as mentioned by Kstate and plolaris-14, allows you to keep control of the FPV movement.

Stated the opposite: you can see how hard your landing will be by the size of the gap between the FPV and horizon as your wheels touch.

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