How to hide a message from one person

@poppingspices just take comfort in the fact that every time you make a post it puts a smile on my face.

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@poppingspices Make a PM with everyone in the community but him.

Over 9,000 people in a PM? Don’t think so haha.

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Well if he is that desperate it could work 😂

You would have to pm everyone but the guy you don’t want to see the topic. Also, have fun putting all the names in!


So have you solved your question yet?

No I figuring out no privacy in pubic forum area everyone can look at every body

A word to you all there is no big award to be the number 1 replying so if you no need to make a interesting reply save the time and move on

I discovering new option that you using the private instant massage can talk about some person and they do not aware of it

Well that’s no new option

That’s how Private Messages are, it’s private!

Why would you even want to?

You cannot hide your posts from specific people. You can PM specific people so only they will see it. Those are your only options.

It sounds like you want to publicly complain about someone but are too afraid to talk to them directly. If that’s the case, PM a mod about it, ignore it and move on, or leave.

What you’re asking for is impossible and for good reason.

Your best bet is to suppress all notifications from this user by scrolling down in your preferences, then to the mute option.