You need to improve that ratio it seems. Do a whole bunch of touch and goes to bump your landings up (preferably in Casual) and you’ll get up there in no time flat.
You need a positive Landing- Violation ratio, Your very close as your ratio 1.10 and you need 1:00, so It should take you just 2 more landings with no vios and you’ll be there!
But isn’t it enough I mean I have the requirement and yet am not there… what have I missed?
You just need some more landings. As Ethan said above.
Look at the bottom. You have missed out on your Landing/Violation Ratio for the past 12 months.
You literally need one or two more landings to get to Grade 2. One will get you at the ratio, two will put you above it. Just a few patterns and you’ll be there! :)
There you go :)
Look at the grade table. Most of the numbers are green, which means you meet the requirement, except for the bottom one which is orange. To be grade 2, you need more landings than violations. Go practice landing until that becomes green. Of you don’t get any more violations, that will only take two landings.
For more info, look here:
I would recommend to do some touch and goes and you should be Grade 2 in no time!
Thank you all for your help. Will work it out! To the sky Pilots
Hard work and dedication. And patience.
Keep trying
So you joined this forum to ask why you became a Grade 2? Would it not have been good to check the tutorials and good info on here, to find out about speed violations, step climb and other great info, before flying on the live servers?
Welcome to the forum. Hope you’ll find the time to have a good read and contribute 😊
Good luck! Soon enough you will become Grade 3 and be able to fly on Expert server!
Thank you, Cap! See ya up there!
At all times!
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