How to contol the yoke

hello guys I just wanna ask if how you guys control the yoke during landing?

If you mean how to control/turn the plane when flying manually, then it should be tilting your advice sided to side/up and down to fly the plane

That’s actually a good, but can also be a bit of a loaded question.

You have pitch and bank you are controlling with the yoke.

For bank you might be using it to move laterally (left or right) to keep a steady course down the runway centerline, as best as possible. And that is affected by wind, but also by your steering adjustment judgements even in the absence of wind.

For pitch, you are coordinating it against influences from speed and power adjustments (and load balance) to maintain your aiming spot down to the runway.

Pitch can get a bit tricky because you might be used to a certain amount of input when you are at approach speed, but as you flare, how much pitch “pressure” you use will change as the airspeed bleeds off…what was a certain input “pressure” in one direction may change a bit in direction or amount to give you the aircraft pitch attitude that best meets your current goal in best setting the aircraft on the ground.

I control the yoke by moving the yoke.

For a more in depth explanation read what @adit had to say 🤪.

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