How to be a ATC in infinity flight

Hi I just wanted to be a ATC in infinity flight sim pls tell me I am a grade 1 in infinity flight sim solo

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On Infinite Flight, you can be ATC either on the Training Server (Grade 2) or Expert Server (Grade 3).

Everyone who has an active subscription (= access to the multiplayer servers) can be ATC on the Training Server, you need to simply select the page “ATC” and the “Training Server” on the main page of the game. Remember, though, that the pilots in this server may be a bit less professional than the Expert Server ones. No Level 2/3 violations are enforced here and it is a server where you learn, both as a controller and as a pilot.

However, if you’d like to become ATC on the Expert Server, you will need to join the IFATC Team. I highly suggest you to join the IFATC recruitment if ATC is what you like. This is because on the Expert Server, both pilots and controllers are more professional rather than on Training and we often follow real-world procedures. Basically, it’s the most realistic and professional server. If you are interested in joining such team, take a look at the topic below:

Let us know if you have any other questions! Thanks :)


@Jinco to the rescue! 😂