How to avoid Infinite Flight timing out

Does anyone know how to get flight plan from PDF, infinite flight always restarts when I press open flight plan and select flight plan from my files.
Also how do you all chat in here while flying, my app always times out.
If anyone knows could you please help

Infinite Flight does not allow you to import flightplans from a PDF. Instead, the best method will be to use Simbrief. Take a look at this video here:

Most people have one device running IF (which for me is an iPad) and another device for everything else (my phones, laptop etc).

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I’ve found out that the time out limit is like 30 secs, so I will open safari, go to IF, go to the IFC, back to IF, etc,

i use a laptop for that

Ahh, that’s interesting. I’ve always wondered the time out period. 30 sec is not too bad I guess

I’m only guessing when I say it’s 30 secs, I’ll try to find a topic on it ;)

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