i wanted to ask if anyone knows how to post a video on if community. i’m having trouble how to figure it out and i want to know how to.
i tried copying a url and then pasting it but it said it wasnt working and it gave me another option of how to copy and paste so i did that and it still didnt work.
Go to streamable.com and upload a video. Let it export and then copy the link. Paste it and it should work. If it doesn’t work then u can try YouTube or smthn
Just upload it to YouTube and share the link
i tried the youtube video on streamable but it wasnt working.
every time i tried copying and pasting it would say there was an error
You mean copying and pasting onto the IFC? If so what error did it display its difficult to understand whats going on without being specific.
Not sure why this is the case… You should be able to upload a video to youtube and paste the link into a new topic without issues.
If it is a YouTube video, you can just copy and paste the link in a one box format.
Thanks guys for all your help!
on an apple device using the apple camera app, press the upload button and it will ask you if you want to chose from photo library, take pic or vid, or upload a file. press photo library and chose the vid you want to upload. once you do, click done and it should work
Thank you!
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