How Realistic are your Flights?

Hi All,

When you do a flight how realistic are you?
Do you use the real FPL (or as close as u can get it)?
Do you climb like the real flight?
Do you use the runways that are being used IRL?
Do you use realistic aircraft for that route?
Do you use the real Callsign?
Do you cruise realistically?

just wondering what type of player/players everyone is?
I try to be as realistic as i can (FNF and events are exceptions)


I have one answer for all questions: YES :)


Quite realistic ;)


I do all of those things except changing my callsign. I really like mine and don’t want to risk getting ghosted because I happen to forget the name of my aircraft.


To all the questions: YES

However i will only use the IRL runway if it has favourable winds


Absolutely, for sure, 100% realism


All except for the runways, cruise, and flightplan

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Why do you get ghosted for forgetting?


Yes. I use FPLtoIF + SimBrief to plan and IFAssistant when I fly, so basically type in the height and speed I want, like using real autopilot.

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All yes. I’m scheduled to do a Mango Airlines flight today, and i always get my FPL from Simbreef. I print out the document from simbreef and record the flight data throughout the flight. I also include any WPTs i have on my runway approach procedures in my FPL.


Well most of the time you arent copying a flight exactly so different procedures are used based on what happens during the flight.

Yes my procedure is to find a flight on Flightradar24 get the gate the aircraft flew out of use SimBrief to get a FPL as close to the one it has I start boarding and play the boarding music and for that I use IFCrew to make all the announcements and I use the realistic departure routes and arrival routes depending on the airport and I always fly the realistic callsign and the runway in use I manly just try to be as realistic as possible

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Yes for the cruising altitude, the departure and landing runway and aircraft type.

The FPL depends on my mood and time limitations (a shortcut from time to time does no bad in my opinion!)

Flying only realistic Edelweiss A320 flights in the moment I have to is the GA section for the callsign as “Edelweiss“ isn’t available in IF.

Furthermore I try to use SIDs and STARs whenever I have access to them or at least to follow the procedures of past flights if not.

Of course also the realistic departure and arrival gates if possible.

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Yes to everything Except for the cruising altitude, as I use SimBrief’s step climbing, as the fuel is calculated according to that. I also use the route from FlightAware if it is available. If not I build the route using FlightRadar24/FlightAware, Navigraph, and SimBrief.

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I mostly do scenery flights, I research on the aircraft’s parameters to make the best of my fuel.

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Yes to all questions, when I fly in the USA. I can’t really say the same for the routes part in the UK or something.

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Well my callsign will always be BAVA333 when I am flying for British Airways Virtual. So I can’t say yes to every answer. But I do try and get the approach charts for airports to try and simulate real landing procedures.

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when i fly i use fpl to if and i find charts for my departure and arrival airport as well as seeing if its areal route or not

I don’t do any of those. The only thing I get off of a flight is the parking and that’s it.

And I use for that