How much storage does your IF use?

Mine uses… quite a lot actually, way more than my second largest.

Here it is

What’s yours?


8.58 GB, lol.

7gb at max before I have to delete and reinstall

sometime back the app had reached around 28gb of Storage, had uninstalled the app and installed it again, currently at 14.28gb!

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bro WHAT???

oops sorry thats my photos lol

mine’s 21gb mb


lmao… that would be crazy

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My phone, 4 gb, but my iPad is like in the 40s… I’ll check when I get home 💀💀

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I have this reoccurring issue on my iPad.

I find myself having to un-install IF SIM every 2 months to keep it going. Despite deleting flight replays and clearing cache, it just kept on growing to the point when it gets to almost full capacity and the cycle of un-install & re-install process and it goes back to it’s original size.

My phone used to only have 64gb but my new one has 500 something so I’m good lol

About 15GB. It uses almost 1/3 of my storage💀
Edit: actually it wasn’t not so much when I did saw rn



A game where you can fly high quality planes, fly around the world and with tons of people somehow costs less storage than Snapchat lol.


You must be popular.


Less than 6GB on my side, must be because I don’t have every available livery and aircraft downloaded.

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Not too popular

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He says humbly
My cousin snaps 40-50 people and says he’s not too popular. Is it an American thing?


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About 17 gigabytes in total

40GB lol. Not sure if that’s normal or not

does the app start crashing randomly if you choose not to reinstall it once it surpasses a certain threshold of high storage?