How much screen time do you have in IF?

Hey, I’ve been wondering if I’ve been playing too much Infinite flight and I wanted to know what your guys screen time is in IF last week!

Last week, I hit almost 67 hours but my
Most in a week ever was 109 hours.


once i checked mine it was like 124 hours in the last ten days


Around 108 hours in the past month… and I’m on vacation 💀


121 hours for me in the past month 💀👍

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Back when I played more actively I think I was usually between 60 and 100 hours a week depending on how many overnights I was doing. There was one week (week that was mostly taken up by my 158 hour flight) in which I had like 140-150 hours but that is not the norm.

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I don’t have anything setup to track it

Ion got screen time set up

Your stats were definitely sky rocketing 😂

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In my last time on Infinite Flight on a phone, I had 108 hours of screen time on IF. (I used to fly a lot of long-haul overnight flights)

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Around 40 hrs last month 😝

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I had 98 hours last week, should I be worried?

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Flight time 📈📈📈
90 day landings 📉📉📉


So real 😭 (10 characters)

I spend about 5 hours a week on the IFC, 3 on the Discord, and depending on the week around 15 hours.

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Of course


Last week i have 14hrs daily cuz I love long haul flights

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One time I and 23 hours and 50 minutes of screen time

I don’t want to talk about it.