Today i am a grade 4 and did a flight from boston to dubai, as i was beginning to decent into dubai my speed wouldn’t decrease i tried everything but it was like if it was broken so when the dubai tower saw me i guess they thought i was not following instructions so they gave me warning, as i was trying my hardest to decent to 10000 and reduce the speed to 200, the tower thought i still wasn’t paying attention and following instructions so he gave me a level 3 voilation now i am at grade 2. Is there any way to 1. Appeal the voilation (because i forgot) and 2. Maintain a constant decent and speed especially for the 777 300ER or at least fix its mechanics because i know i am not the only one who has seen its awful mechanics almost similar to the a340.
Hey there!
The 777 is a slippery aircraft (like IRL) and therefore its important that you start slowing down early and not to descend too steeply (probably no more than 1500-2000fpm).
As far as appealing the violation goes - you can find the information for that here:
Alright I’ll keep that in mind when im flying it again and thanks for the help
If you find yourself in this situation again you can just drop the gear to slow down quicker, realistic no but it’ll probably save you the violation.
Wait gear dropping can slow you down? (in game)
There would be no point for aircraft to have heavy hydraulics to retract and extend something that doesn’t change the flight characteristics, don’t you think?
You can also extend flaps. Again, not at all realistic, but could save you of the vio.
You could also just end the flight before getting violation as last resort… idk if you’ll get violations off that tho
this is very unrealistic but If you get the warning just disable ap and pull up extremely hard. Ive done this a few times and it has saved me.
Same but this is more for the 10k warning rather than not being able to meet an ATC criteria. I suppose if you can immediately get the nose back down and start descending quickly it would work in this case though.
Yeah i tried that before it works but in this scenario i was pretty high like 11000 feet instead of the 6000 feet the atc told me to do. I also did do that moving the plane up and down but the atc thought i was some troll or newbie doing this so i am guessing it further persuade him to report me
I was considering to leave the flight which i usually do if i am caught in a situation like this but i thought that i was able to convince the atc that i was following his instructions but from his POV it looks like i wasn’t
I use flight spoilers idk if it’s realistic but definitely more than using flaps
Following the published speeds on the STAR is a great way to not be too fast as you get closer
Well first of all when I go down to 10000ft I try to slow down and maintain 250KTS. 200KTS is way to slow unless ATC instructed you to slow down to that speed then by all means oblige with what ATC gave you. Second of all if I find that my plane isn’t slowing down as I’m descending I increase my trim. This “pulls up” the plane without disengaging the A/P. Thirdly if that isn’t effective then I disengage VNAV and manually control my V/S until I’ve reached my target speed then I engage VNAV again.
The best thing to take out of this is that bigger planes are harder to slow down so decrease speed earlier. I’m sorry to hear about you’re violation.
I already messaged the atc who reported me so its fine and usally for bigger planes like you said i reduce the speed to 240 knots or so when im decenting. In this as i was decenting i accidentally turned off the ap managing the speed so i went from 603 - 573 knots then to 636 knots, i reduced the speed to 240 but that wasnt enough for the plane to start increasing the speed. I also dealt with big planes like this but the a340 and 777 300ER are the hardest for me to maintain tbh but next time ill keep your advice in hand
I don’t know if this is real life procedures but when I’m approaching a heavily IFATC controlled airport / airspace in a heavy or super I aim for 280 kts @ FL200. This gives me plenty of time to decrease speed or expedite altitude change or whatever ATC needs me to do. If I’m coming in at 325 kts below FL200 there’s not much room to maneuver once you are tuned to approach.
However I have also been doing 230 kts @ 10000 ft when suddenly I’m asked by ATC to descend AND reduce speed to 180 kts… and sometimes you just have to lower the landing gear, adjust trim, flaps and spoilers… the whole shebang! But being mindful and aware of the situation and surroundings (and using common sense) is key I think. If two planes 10-20 nm in front of you are doing 180 kts and you are still at 250 then something is up! Good luck with your appeal!
I agree with you in this case and thanks also
I slow down to 130kts and full flaps with my gear down and flight spoilers at around 30000ft during arrival descent
and then it takes me around 2 hours to actually reach my start of approach
Saves me the trouble from having to worry about going over 260kts at 10000ft
At this configuration you are close to stalling. There is no need for full flaps and gear down at that altitude. You are way too high for that and it prolongs your approach into the destination airport for no reason. The gear comes down at 2,500ft AGL.
I slow down to 230 (any aircraft) before reaching 10k, and extend the spoilers if the aircraft starts to gain speed again.