The wheels on one side sunk on touchdown
You landed too hard but it’s fine, the A321 is indeed a floater along with her sisters thats why I always choose the 737 instead
What speed would I need to land at?. The wheels touched at 132 knots on the first picture
I go 140kts but I use 15% trim as well
It happens to me most times, don’t worry. Try approaching in a more stable fashion, and avoid overcorrecting when over the runway.
The A321 also needs a higher landing speed than its smaller brothers, so idling the engines should be coupled with a gentle flare. If you flare too much, you’ll float, and that’ll end up in losing speed and landing harder.
How about A321’s fellow non-gender-specific family members?
Jokes aside, something else you can do is play with the aircraft’s weight and balance, as well as the weather conditions to make it easier/more challenging to practice. Try maintaining a relatively consistent speed and keep the wings as level as possible while being aligned with the centerline. Depending on how heavy or light your plane is, as well as any crosswinds/turbulence you have will determine how subtle or dramatic your flare is.
For flaring/about to land, I’d say cut the throttle at around 50 feet above the runway, and once you’re at about 30 feet above the runway is when you’d initiate the flare.
A gentle one, sometimes you don’t need one to land.
I suppose that I should also add that the smoothness of a landing isn’t the most important part of it. Sure, it’s unsatisfying to walk away from a long-haul flight with a rough landing, but what matters more is the timing and precision of it. For example, if I had a -69 fpm landing, but it was super early or super late, or it was far off to the side of the centerline, sure it was smooth, but it was not a good landing. Yes, while making sure that you don’t Ryanair every landing is important (note that Ryanair also usually lands on the centerline and in the touchdown zone), making sure that the landing was safely within the runway is even more crucial. Failing to do so could lead to many different problems.
Welcome to Ryanair 🤣
never a lot of flare, don’t wanna tail strike
I remember trying to land the a321 when i had no subscription, A321 and san francisco… i hate them together.
Thanks will try cutting throttle above 50 feet of the ground. I usually cut it at a higher altitude
Soft landing every time:
raise the FPV to the horizon line just as main wheels touch.
How to keep control of the FPV:
adjust engine power to achieve airspeed between the range of too much sink to too much float (you can’t fight either, so be in the middle)
Set up a stabilized approach as early as possible.
Keep control inputs as small as possible.
Realize that trim assists with holding pitch, it doesn’t change the landing physics (it’s possible to ignore trim and still grease a landing).
For crosswinds, aim at the desired touchdown spot. The nose will be pointed in the upwind direction sufficient to hold a straight line course down the runway centerline. Use rudder to align with runway as the main gear touch. Center the nose wheel (rudder control), before the nose wheel touches the runway to avoid an abrupt turn to the side.
Autoland will become your new best friend!
All jokes aside, it just takes practice to land any aircraft. Keep doing what everybody is saying, and you’ll be greasing the runway shortly.
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