How Do You Fly

I hope the title is curiosity-inducing enough.

I fly on flight sims for fun. Well, don’t we all?

But I fly depending on what’s happening at work/life.

I work from home, so I’m free to use my devices.

But it can honestly be helpful for me if my device/s are flying while I’m working.

For some reason, work doesn’t feel like boring while I’m flying.

And flying doesn’t feel boring if I’m doing something else while it’s cruising.

A 4-6 hour flight is enough for me to accomplish all my tasks during working hours.

I take off before starting my tasks, and before I descend, I’m done with my tasks, it feels like a win-win.

Maybe one good reason is that I can’t use my device/s while working, so I can focus on work more. But really, flying keeps me company while working, if that makes sense.

Similar with household chores and errands…

If I have to do something that takes an hour or two, I take off before starting. Before descending, I’m done. It gives me the same feeling. The chores/errands doesn’t feel super boring when I’m flying/cruising, even if the device is in another room.

It also gives me the motivation to finish the tasks on time so I’m done before descending (we don’t want to run out of fuel or descend while AFK!).

Anyway, what’s your routine-ish?

I know some people fly long-haul before sleeping, etc. Some pause, some don’t.

What’s yours?


I don’t fly anymore, but when I used to I would mainly do long hauls and get work done while they were going. I think my average flight time for my last 2 years of flying was probably like 6-8 hours.


I’m just starting to get used to 4-hour flights. My average is 1 to 3 2-hour flights per day.
Now I fly one 4 hour and maybe one 1-2 hour flight and I can be satisfied for the day.

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Usually when I do a long haul flight it’s a sign that I’m busy doing something. I don’t really do long hauls often but when I do I’m usually out doing something.

Like today. I’ve got some work with the Beverly Hills Police Department so while I’m gone for about 8 hours I started a 18 hour flight. Started at 5am today and will land around 8pm.

But on any long haul flight I always try to push for the latest departure time that way I can finish it in the late afternoon or evening.


I definitely do something similar. I personally fly from the airport I just landed at, into some large interconnected web with that I like to do most long hauls at night then do some short to medium hauls during the day.

Take today for example: I have nothing to do, So I started off with KEWR-TNCM then TNCM-TFJJ and back, now I’m on TNCM-MPTO with a flight to KORD afterwards, then wait and fly KORD-EPWA overnight tonight. This is after going nowhere since Sunday.

In between I can do stuff around the house, homework, take a nap, etc. This schedule definitely promotes things to be done on time.


I personally can only use my phone for IF, which I use for work. I do long hauls overnight, pause in the morning, land it in the evening.

If i had a second device, I would fly while I’m at work, and land when I get back in the evening.

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I don’t fly anymore, mostly because of life, I need my phone for schoolwork and such. When I used to fly I usually would take on 8 to 10 hour flights and put my phone on my nightstand, volume and brightness down. This is a gamble but I would usually wake up early to check up on my flight.

I must say it is quite the sensation to see your flight still in action.

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Definitely interesting to see how the game/simulator can adjust with how you want to live your life. That’s one thing I really love about it. The ability to pause, the low power mode, etc.

Only fly on Fridays and weekends now bc of school. Very rarely tho I have time to fly after school

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That’s perfectly fine. IRL comes first.

Usually solo and Timelapse and sometimes in multiplayer. However, I don’t have time for any flights that are longer than 2-3 hours

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I usually always do one flight a day ranging from 1-6 Hours. My long haul/Overnight flights are not in order some weeks there will be multiple others i wont do any. All my flights are Realistic and are always on Expert Server.

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I usually fly 3 flights per day 2-3 hours each.
Sometimes I fly long hauls (10-12 hours) while sleeping and estimate the landing after I wake up…
My working hours allow me to do that, so I am happy!

i fly on weekends mostly. If i dont have any plans to touch grass, i schedule a whole day of flying, like

and etc

I do these flights with only one airline, so it feels like im a real pilot.

But i dont like staying all day at home, so a lot of time i cancel my last two flights or so and go out somewhere

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I fly constantly, We at FedexVA Have an extensive flight route to choose from, sooo pretty much i can plan my flights around whatever i do as to not interfere with interactions with humans… 😳 i know, scary thought, but its unhealthy to go into dormant recluse mode all the time… they just dont understand flying thats all, give em’ a break!!😂🤣

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