How do I Regain My Grade 3 Status Back

Hi All
Hope Everyone is safe and well. I just gained my grade 3 and then I went on to the expert server and did a speed violation and also it said bumped into another aircraft. I understood that I did a speed violation and then it booted me off the expert server. I am just wondering how I regain my grade 3 status. Can anyone give me any thoughts or views on how i can get my grade 3 status back.

Many Thanks


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You have to wait until your violation is gone.

And welcome to the infinite flight community

Check out this tutorial on reading the grade table — looking at your stats is the best way to figure out what you need to do.

If you’re unsure, feel free to send a screenshot of your own table and we’d be happy to give it a look.



How long does that take

Many Thanks For You Help

Your report rows have yellow text, meaning those are the rows keeping you from meeting grade 3. You need to wait 1 week from the time of your ghost to be grade 3 again.

I suggest you contact the controller who ghosted you if you have questions about it.

U need to wait 7 days from the time you got the violation

Hi Tom The Tank

Thanks for that I do appreciate it. So I will have to wait till next Sunday and then the violation will be lifted.

Many Thanks

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Just 7 days and you will be fine!

Also make sure you don’t gain anymore violations or ghostings because you could recieve harsher punishments.

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