How Do I know if I’m established on the Localiser?

Hey! I know I’ve been asking a lot of questions lately as I’m new, I’m sorry :( but I just have one more question. I know this community has been amazing to me as a new player! I would really appreciate if someone answers this

So I was on approach frequency and the ATC told “decent and mantain 3000 FT, mantain 3000 until established on the localiser” My only question is how do I know if I’m established on the localiser?

I would really appreciate if you helpful people of this amazing community would answer :D Thankss!!


Here ya go this should help!


Hey there! To catch the Localizer (LOC), you first need to tune into the ILS frequency at the airport for the runway you are assigned. You can do this by tapping on the airport in the map view, going to the bottom tabs (INFO/WX/RWYS/PROC), clicking on the RWYS tab, select the runway you have been assigned, and click on “Set NAV1” in the bottom right hand corner. Once this is set, when the controller issues you an ILS clearance, simply turn to the given heading, descend to the prescribed altitude, and once there you can go to the AP tab on the main HUD and turn on “APPR”. This will automatically set you on an ILS approach. Once you are established, you should see “LOC” and “GS” under the APPR button change from blinking orange to solid green, and your aircraft will turn and descend to the given runway automatically. Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions about that!


Honestly I think this page is a bit dated, I don’t believe it’s been updated since APPR was introduced to the game


Oh Yeah, Thanks:)!
Also do you know how fast should I decend to the altitude the atc gave so that I can also intercept the Glide Scope?

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Credit to boldmethod, but here is how you know if your on Glideslope/Localizer. You want the diamond(represents your glideslope (GS) in the middle, and the course deviation bar (center portion of the arrow you see, for purposes of simplicty i will refer to this as the center of the arrow) (LOC) to be in the center.

If the diamond is above the center, that means you are BELOW glidepath, climb to intercept. If the diamond is below the center you are ABOVE the glidepath, descend to intercept.

If the center part of the arrow is offset to the left, that means you are to the RIGHT of the localizer, turn left to intercept (be careful to not overcorrect). If the center part of your arrow is to the right, that means you are to the LEFT of course, turn right to intercept.

Please note: If you are on a back course localizer approach, keep in mind you will have to input the opposite control (ex: if the center of the arrow is offset to the left, turn right to intercept the localizer.)

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Ohh, Yeah! Thanks Dude :) !!

Typically I descend at about -1200ft/min, but it depends how far out you are. You can see where you will reach the altitude you have set on you AP on the map, shown by the white quarter-circle in front of your aircraft, as shown below. In many cases you will want to be at about 3000ft AGL at the top of the red cone. Its best to reach the altitude given before you reach the centerline, so that you catch the LOC first, then the GS, if that makes sense.

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Ohh Yeah, I got it you mean the red lines following the runway in the map if I’m not wrong, Thanks For your time and help :D !

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Yep, exactly! No problem at all mate :)

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Thanks Bro, that also helped :) !!

Thanks Guyss @JAR @Kstate and @Mattchew for your awesome help :)!
Yet again this amazing community never fails to disappoint and be nice, Thankss :D !!

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