How can I find what aircraft a route had years ago?

I got a hold of an e-ticket sent to me by American Airlines many years ago, when I didn’t know anything about airplanes. I was wondering if there is any way to find out what aircraft were on this route years ago?

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It depends what year the flight was from.

But you should be able to search up the history of the flight using the flight number.

I have, but we’re talking a decade or more here, and they only website I found was paid. I’ve been looking around on the Bureau of Transportation Statistics’s website to see if I can find anything.

What was the route and Flight #?

If you let us know the flight number and date, we may be help in some way.

It’d be great if y’all could find one of these:

AA 719 LGA-DFW, 28 MAY 2004
AA 750 DFW-LGA, 30 MAY 2004


Oh lol I didn’t know it was this long ago. that’s before I was born so I’m not going to be much help 😂 sorry

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Yeah, I’ll keep trying. XD

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Looks to have been a 757.

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You were probably on the 737 astrojet livery on this flight.

"The Astrojet’s routings for the LGA portion of its day on the 31st (the day 777WT saw it) was…

30th DFW-LGA AA 750 Arrived LGA 9:32pm
31st LGA-TPA AA 1621 Left LGA 3:21pm
31st TPA-LGA AA 1282 Arrived LGA 9:45pm"

Scroll down to comment #12

That’s so cool! Thank you for finding this info for me, I really appreciate it! @Hamza.N

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No problem. It might not be 100 percent accurate but its the closest you’re going to get.


Indeed, I may not get as accurate as possible, but it’s still great to know! Thanks again.

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If you need to search for flight information from the past you could use FR24 Pro. It costs some money, but you will be able to see every flight in the history of aviation. Even the flight by the wright brothers is in the database


FR24 says AA719 operates Philly to Rome now

Is that going back until 2000? (and even for now defunct airlines)?

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