Holding short 27L

Hey guys, Im american 79 on the ES at EGLL, Just at the hold short sign, tower just asked me to contact Ground, This dosent make sense to me. Never in all my years has this occured. Any advice?

Probably a controller error. This is on the Expert Server right?

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Sorry Man, just taxing there, Yes Es, got reassigned to 27R, Not easy to do a 180 in a tight spot with a 777 200er. I dont know what happened there, I have the towers Username so il’ll give him a pm soon

Can a IFATC supervisor contact me please in pm thanks. not happy, first i got 27L waited a long time, then a lot of us got reassigned to 27R, Another AA got clearance to depart, He asked only for first in line, so when American 9NY got permision to line up and wait 27R at 14.05.52, 14.06.18 i got permission to line up and wait, now the 9NY hasent even DEPARTED and hes just about to enter the runway when at 14.06.22 i get takeoff clearance also. I have the replay if any IFATC supervisor can look at it.

I was in the same queue (the oman air) and decided to ask ground to switch to 27R (meant crossing 27L) as we weren’t moving because of the queue of stuff landing, so it might’ve been me that triggered it!
I think too many from terminals 2/3/5 were assigned 27L when they should’ve gone to 27R tbh.

I would contact the appeals team (as a DM - @appeals) as that’s the best way for feedback

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I get it was super busy, I had all the time in the world for waiting, im not working today so no issues on that front, I look at the ATIS before playing and all departing traffic was meant to go to 27R, so when i got told to taxi to 27L i kinda questioned it, i did as instructed, so when i got reassigned i was happy as they’re rectifying the issue, I dont know if you seen what happened, i wont type it out again, basally he told one AA to line up and wait, he crossed me first, so then i contacted him and he cleared me for dep also, no need to appeal as i did not get a violation. I’m gonna give it another go and see what happens

We all make mistakes though, We’re all human.

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I didn’t see it tbh. Think the appeals account can be used for constructive feedback though if you really wanted to provide it.

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Appeals will only handle Level 2-3 violations given by the ATC. In order for you to provide feedback to the controller, you can find their name or contact a supervisor so they can properly handle this and pass it along.


Ah my mistake, I thought it did

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