Helping people in the if community / creating new things together

Hey there!

I created this topic because i would like to share my thoughts and plans with you. I am a former Radar Controller but the last time i controlled was in January so pretty long time ago. Since then I’ve had this idea to create this topic to find likeminded people. To keep it short, i am volunteering to help in any project that you guys might need help with. I just wanted to get back into playing if as well as helping other players that might need help. I think it is also the best time to ask the Infinite Flight Staff if there is some kind of field i could help in.

For me it‘s just great talking to new people :)

So in conclusion, if any of you have an idea how and where i can make this happen, I’d be more than happy.



You could join the airport editing team and/or rejoin IFATC!

Glad to see you back ;)

Thanks, just applied for the editing team :)

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I just wanted to know if someone knows how long it gets to get accepted into the editing team?

Kind Regards :)

Well each group contains around 50 people, and each group can take between 3-5 (sometimes more) weeks to get in. I believe the groups are randomly chosen, therefore you could be getting in any time between a few weeks to a few months! Patience is key, I would recommend checking out the manual if you like!

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