Help with Touchdown

No worries at all, glad I could help!

  1. For most of the airliners, yes, you usually put the throttle to idle before touching down. However, I remember watching an MSFS live stream of the E-Jets, and the streamer, who probably knows more than me, said E-Jets don’t always put throttle to idle. I can’t confirm that though, Google may be your best friend in this case!
  2. I used this guide and this video to get the information about the Flaps, which were partly made by a real Embraer pilot. They say that Flaps Full should usually be used for steep approaches/short runways, which doesn’t seem to be the case for KORD. I’d say yes, you can surely trust Simbrief, but you can also use various sources, compare them and choose what’s the best to do.
  3. Once again, the tutorials here and on the IF YT channel may be useful. However, trim is something you change based on the situation, so it depends on various factors. Check this recent reply to a trim question: Arrow on the TRIM button? - #2 by Thunderbolt.
  4. I used to keep the A/P SPD on the whole time throughout my flights, approach included, until my flare, where I disconnected it and put the throttle to idle. However, recently, I got used to manually using the throttle throughout the final approach. This may help you since you are the one who actually manages the speed, and you can trust this more than the A/P, especially in windy situations. To make IRL examples, as far as I know, just to compare two aircraft, the A320 pilots usually keep the Autothrust on throughout the whole flight on the Climb detent (something not present on IF) and set them to idle during the flare; however, in aircraft such as the 737, the pilots disconnect the Autothrottle on the final approach/when they take control of the aircraft and manually control it all the way down.
    My advice would be to learn to manually manage your speed during the approach, this will help you to improve your skills!

Once again, no problem! Thank you!