Help Me Get to Grade 3.

Ok I get it now. So After I do my 67 landings, I will automatically be graded Grade 3?

And you have to wait for your current 4 violations to be gone, which they will after 7 days.

Thank You Very Much! :D. I really appreciate your help.

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The trick is that those 67 landings need to occur with ZERO new violations. Every time you get a violation, you need 2 extra landings as stated above. I didnt want you thinking that the extra landings is all that was required.

The goal is to learn to fly without obtaining violations. That is what makes the grade worth it. When you look at the violation ratio for Grade 5 it is a small window for error. Just focus on flying right and the rest will come with time.


Yes, worry about landing at airports with a large lane and also beware of speed remembering that below 10,000ft is 250knots mĂĄx !! SBGL / EHAM /KMIA / SBGR !!

You need exactly 57 landings. By that point Your violations would’ve gotten away, if You haven’t gathered more in the process, and You could access the expert server.

KEDW is great for landings on Casual.

And yes, it is 57, not 67 like most said in their replies. 67*2=134. 134-77=57.

No it’s supposed to 67 more landings…
Double as many as violations, then you multiply 67*2=134

Lets take this to PMs as it is off-topic :)

Everyone is looking at the numbers differently. Some were giving general you need x number total as opposed to the exact number to perfom. Some are giving general rules of thumb as in take your violations and double it.

Bottom line is that one needs to learn how to read the stats table.


I get what you mean by 57 more landings since 57+77=134
And 134 is double as many landings to his Violations count unless he goes to grab more in the making…
But it’s always good to have 10 extra landings tho ;)


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