This morning, I updated IF. I arrived in EGLL with the new B-777. On takeoff, I opened the autopilot menu to set my nag ( I already had a flight plan filed) and I was lost at what I could do. Can anyone help?..
LNAV is what was previously NAV and will follow your FPL - VNAV is a new feature that will automatically do your descent if you have set altitudes for the waypoints.
Thanks you so much
During VNAV, you VS and altitude autopilot indicators will turn magenta to show that they are being controlled by autopilot.
Also, does anyone know what the pink lines are for on the map now…
Those are airspace boundaries. They are also new :)
you also could be referring to oceanic tracks, aircraft “highways.”
These lines might also be the approach and departure paths from an airport. They are the preset procedures for approach arrival and departure. You set them in your flight plan from your departure runway, and then you select your transition waypoint, at which point you can then leave the preset pathway. The transition can also be set for arrival, which will be the point where you leave your flight plan and enter the aprovved approach path. Forb this transition, the altitude will be present for that location, allowing you to use VNAV for descent up until that point
to add to what was said before i recommend to not arm vnav until TOD and you are able to keep active during descend
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