Great post, with a very relevant point.
Don’t just fly on Expert just because you fell asleep and made it to Grade 3 😉 Prepare yourself, and save yourself and others frustration. So…we’re glad you asked.
I recommend you view the Pilot tutorials on YouTube and keep in mind a few tips…
- understand what a traffic pattern is
- don’t request remaining in the pattern if you’re not planning to remain in the pattern (fly circles around the airport)
- know how to enter via downwind, base, etc
- make sure you’re at the right altitude when contacting ATC. When contacting Approach, make sure you’re at 15000 - 18000 feet approx 50 NM out of the airport.
- contact Tower when you’re about 15 - NM out at about 10,000 feet.
- check ATIS before you contact any other controller for that airport. After this, don’t switch back to ATIS.
- never ever enter a runway without permission.
- know what a back-taxi is
- know how to go-around
- when you request departure ‘straight out’ then please do so
- know when to request a Transition; only when you fly through Tower’s airspace (in IF 5000 feet above Ground level) and you’re not intending to land.
- understand that with ‘exit runway, cross runway x and contact ground’, you contact Ground after you crossed.
- hold short with your entire aircraft behind the hold short line
- check the pilot tutorial guide. Link in post below.
- know how to work with Approach controller.
- when you’re flying an airliner to another airport, make it a good practice to prepare a flight plan
- don’t press the NAV button two seconds after your wheels leave the ground. Instead, fly your aircraft away from the airport towards your flight plan, and then switch on NAV.
- don’t immediately quit your flight when you get told to follow instructions.
- when you get told to check tutorials, then please do so here
- and in the event you get reported, find the controller and send him a direct message to find out why and learn from it.