Alright. Helicopters. What is a flight simulator without helicopters? They are aircraft too and should 100% be represented! Rotorcraft are very unique and serve many roles that would improve the infinite flight experience and player base. Medivac, cargo, transport, military, police, news, and much more! Helicopters are a substantial part of aviation and should be included in IF in my opinion. Plus, there are multiple airports in game already implemented with heli[quote=“737pilot, post:1, topic:954379, full:true”]
Helicopters for IF
Alright. Helicopters. What is a flight simulator without helicopters? They are aircraft too and should 100% be represented! Rotorcraft are very unique and serve many roles that would improve the infinite flight experience and player base. Medivac, cargo, transport, military, police, news, and much more! Helicopters are a substantial part of aviation and should be included in IF in my opinion. Plus, there are multiple airports in game already implemented with helipads!
Making a model of a helicopter for FlightRadar24 and actually having an operational helicopter in Infinite Flight are totally different things. IF doesn’t have the physics for helicopters, which are entirely different then fixed wing aircraft.